
Meet the Team: Marissa Marinkovich

How did you get involved in the creative and digital staffing space?

Marissa Marinkovich: My first job out of college was an office manager position at another creative staffing firm. I was drawn to the field because I have a degree in the arts and wanted to keep doing something that flexed my creative muscle!

How would you describe your career trajectory over that time? ‍

MM: My career trajectory has been pretty consistent I’d say, I’ve been lucky enough to have great mentors and support in this industry, and that is what has propelled me forward.

How long have you been with The Planet Group? What are some of your highlights since you've been at Planet Interactive in particular?

MM: I’ve been with the Planet Group for going on almost 4 years now. I’d say one of the highlights of working here is the variety of roles, skillsets and talent we see in the creative, digital, and staffing space. We get to work on a little bit of everything, which I really enjoy!

What’s your current assessment of the creative, digital and marketing landscape?

MM: Right now, there’s more opportunity than there has been in a while but it’s still tough. A lot of it comes down to what industry you’re working in. Some companies are really growing right now, while others are sadly still experiencing layoffs. It’s a bit of a coin toss at the moment, but things are overall trending upwards, so that’s definitely a positive!  

What advice would you give to individuals aspiring to enter the creative staffing industry and recruitment in general?

MM: The advice I’d give to anyone wanting to enter creative staffing and recruitment would be to utilize your network, emphasize your willingness to work hard and be transparent about what really motivates you. Finding the right staffing agency to work for is important when getting into this field and being honest about those things from the beginning will really help you find the right fit!

How do you like to work with candidates and job seekers? What does this process typically look like for you?

MM: Personally, I’m taking a look at what roles I have available with the clients we work with, and then reaching out to candidates in my network and job seekers I may not have connected with yet to chat with them about potential opportunities! I prefer to take the time to chat with people over the phone to learn about them, their backgrounds, and what they are looking for. Then I can truly assess if what we have available is the right fit for them.

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be and why?

MM: The next place on my travel list is Spain! I’ve never been, and I really want to have my cheetah girls moment – if you know, you know!

If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

MM: This is so tough! I guess I’d have to say Jane Austen – I'd love to hear more about the inspiration behind her books.

What’s one fun fact about you that candidates don’t know?

MM: I’m a huge reader – I read 78 books last year! It’s a really big hobby of mine and usually what I am doing if I have any free time.

Lastly, what’s the best part of your job?

MM: Getting to connect people with new roles that they are really excited about! I love when I can connect someone to their dream company or a role that checks every single box they are looking for.  

Connect with Marissa on LinkedIn

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